What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26th -- My Favorite Day

Well, maybe not!  I kept telling my wife "It is almost over!"  "Can't wait 'til the 26th!!"  Actually, we had a great Christmas.  Sally does a terrific job in pulling it off each year.  She does the shopping, decorating, baking, cooking -- all with great results.  I try to help!!  This year, we began Christmas with a warm and glowing fire in our fireplace...thanks to Julia, our youngest who really likes Christmas.

Regarding my Sherpa On Duty observations -- December 24th turns out to be a big day for men shoppers.  I happened to be in the mall (last minute gift??) and could not believe the number of men shoppers walking through stores with beleaguered looks! I wish I had a stash of pins to hand out!!! I needed to reward those guys for their shopping diligence.  Actually, even before the 24th, I found many men helping their partners by schlepping packages or just waiting comfortably in the cushioned chairs found in the mall who should also have been rewarded as well. They also need the special recognition of a great Sherpa on Duty pin!

Wishing all of you the very best during this Holiday season as well as the upcoming New Year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Men shop as hunters, women shop as gatherers - Gender Gap - MarketWatch

There are definite differences in shopping styles between men and women! Here is an interesting article that explains this "gender gap".


Monday, August 22, 2011

Sandpaper is Cheaper!

I know this sounds awful.  Today, I went along with my wife as she went to her hair appointment as we were going to be shopping later on getting ready for a birthday party for one of our young family members.  As we arrived to the salon, she immediately went over to one of the counters and found a bottle of callous removal lotion.  "Gee, this looks good" she exclaimed.  Upon turning the bottle over she saw the price tag.  "$32.00" she announced.  Without missing a beat, I said "sandpaper is cheaper!"  I know that is an awful response!  I love shopping with my wife as she gives me great material for this blog.  I hope you are enjoying our little trips and episodes.  I guess I am just a regular guy!  Onward and upward with Sherpa on Duty.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I learned from my wife (about returns)!

My wife is the "Queen" of the returns!  I've learned a lot about returning items that you do not like or want!  I came from the school of "once purchased-then owned"!  No longer is this case.  I posted an earlier experience where I had to select a shirt for a special event.  I value my wife's opinion on my clothes (though I do not always agree but she has great taste).  I ended up selecting several shirts in about twenty minutes and then returned home to pick one.  Now, I know I'm not the only person that does this.  She helped me decide and then I returned the remaining shirts for credit.Last night was another good example of her success at returning an item.  Little did she know that she had purchased a bracelet that was a final sales item.  She approached the salesperson who informed her the bracelet could not be returned.  Much to my wife's shock she insisted on not knowing that it could not be returned.  She had purchased the bracelet as a "back up" item for a dress up event.  She decided she did not like the bracelet. The sales person was surprised that she was not informed that the item could not be returned.  Fortunately, and with her good luck, the sales person called her manager who promptly approved the refund.  It was a good thing as my wife likes the items in this shop and will be a repeat customer in the future, I am sure.
Returning items is a part of shopping.  This is what I have learned, though being a guy, not always easy to do!  Shop on Sherpa!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Never Met a Pair of Shoes that I Didn't Like!

I love to shop with my wife though she claims I hate it!  Well, I don't really hate it -- just being a guy -- it is not my most favorite thing.  Now, I need to really be tuned in as sometimes she really wants my opinion on things!

We just got back from a trip to Salt Lake City.  Unfortunately, it was not for all pleasant reasons as my son had an emergency triple by-pass heart surgery.  He is only 44 years old!  

We monitored our time with him as he was recovering so we did not want to wear him out.    Salt Lake City was very hot and overwhelming.  We found time to do a quick trip to Park City, the ski area. A beautiful place that we would like to return to in the winter time.

So that brings me back to the shoe comment!  We had time to do some shopping.  My wife loves shoes!  We were 5 seconds into one of the stores walking past shoes on display.  "I really like this pair of shoes!"  I chuckled and said "you never met a pair of shoes you did not like!"  Shoes, handbags and bling.  All important items that in the long run may be cheaper than paying a therapist!  Shop on!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wow! She bought HER dress at CVS Pharmacy!

I love these stories.  To protect the name of the innocent, let me call her "Shirley".  She is my wife's best friend and as I am typing this post they are both in the backyard enjoying a chat along with some special beverages!  My wife commented on how great "Shirley" looked in her dress and she then told us where she bought her dress!  This is amazing (see earlier post regarding another person who purchased their dress at Walmart!).  Why is this such a big deal to me?  I do not know anyone who shops like this and yet can look great in what they wear.  I was going to take photo of "Shirley" but decided not to as she wanted "first rights of refusal."  So are there any other  shoppers out there with some unique stories and purchases.  (At a later time I will tell you how much my step-daughter enjoys shopping at the thrift stores!).  Another first for "Sherpa on Duty".

Why men hate shopping

Why men hate shopping

You will have to read this article and laugh.  Very clever analysis of why shopping is not a man's favorite thing.  My wife has claimed that I "lied" to her.  Based upon our courting endeavors, somehow I must have convinced her that I enjoy shopping.  Being a true male (and man which she strongly desires), I fall into that category of maybe not hating to shop but begrudgingly will make my best efforts.  The link to the article is: Why men hate shopping

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shopping for wedding gifts!

Now -- this is my kind of shopping -- being a guy that is!
Today my wife and I went to Target to select a gift for a wedding we will be attending later this month.  We feel very honored to be attending the wedding; of all things; a food server at one of our favorite restaurants.  We have struck up a friendly relationship with Jorge who told us about a month ago that he is marrying another lovely gal who also works in the same restaurant.  We stopped by last weekend to offer our regrets for not being able to attend but we found out we had the wrong date.  Good news is that we can still attend.  He also introduced us to his fiance Stephanie.  He is only 27 years old; was a high school dropout at 14 and now is working two jobs. They just closed escrow on their first house.  We are very amazed and impressed with his ambition and his dedication to his wife to be.  They make a lovely couple.  We are looking forward to the wedding which will have primarily many Mexican families attending.  I'm sure they will be wondering who these two "white peopl" are!  Jorge is sincere and a very genuine person and we truly feel honored.

The best part of shopping today?  It is the gift registry!  It makes gift giving a real pleasant experience as we know we selected something the couple really want.  It is amazing to see the gift list of these two very young people.  They need the essential staples of starting a home and a life together.  Nothing extravagant or outlandish!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

"She Bought Her Dress at Walmart!"

Yes, that was a major topic of conversation last evening at the class reunion. My wife's friend, Nancy, announced with great pride, that her dress; which by the way looked very good on her; was a Walmart purchase -- cost? $15.00. Now, why is that such a bid deal? We all know what the important women in our lives go have to go through when planning to see old friends after a 30+ years hiatus from high school. Deciding what to wear is a big deal! How many different outfits are tried on? How much money is really spent on looking good? How long did it take for you to find that special dress? Who would have known that Walmart would have been the hit of the evening! Great dress for a great price!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Shopping! My Style!

Today, my wife will be attending her 70's class reunion and I will be attending with her. I know how important it is to her for me to look "presentable!" Now, shopping is not my thing but we checked my closet and I decided I needed a new shirt. Normally, she goes with me but today she is busy getting ready for the big event. So, I decided to visit my favorite shopping place (Kohls) to pick out a shirt. My wife's opinion is important so rather than deciding on one shirt I grabbed seven off the racks to bring home. We went through them one by one and settled on a shirt that we both liked. The best part of my shopping spree is that it took only 20 minutes. The thing I like best about Kohls is that no one is "bugging" you with "may I help you?" A guy can browse at leisure as they have many choices! Now, I will return those shirts I'm not keeping! That is something my wife taught me as well.

Oh yea! One other thing about Kohls--I was convinced one of the shirts I selected was 40% off but it rang up the regular price. The sales clerk just took me for my word and gave me the discount. I went back to the rack and realized it was not 40% off! This is one of the shirts I am returning so I will correct my mistake with customer service!

Happy Shopping -- Guys!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Why would anyone want to pay full price for any item? There is always some kind of a sale going on! If not immediately, then eventually!

My wife is a great shopper when it comes to sales. And believe me, she loves to shop! She loves clothes and often comes home with the results of some great shopping due to sales. I love it when she reads me the original price tag and then goes further with the discounts and sales. Recently, a top from Ann Taylor originally sold for $48.00 and she got it for $20.00! Another top was originally $78.00, on sale for $69.00 and she got it for $35.00. Great looking tops and easy on the check book as well!

The only question we really need to ask is how much do we really want to spend? The biggest challenge is waiting for that newly-arrived fashion trend to go on sale. You know it eventually will!

What are your shopping stories on finding great sales?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3rd St. Santa Monica Shopping

One of my more favorite places to visit (as my wife tours the stores) is on 3rd Street in Santa Monica. For the initiated, you know what I mean when I talk about the variety of people walking through area along with the many different street performers earning their keep. I am an amateur photographer so I find many interesting subjects to focus upon. Two of my areas of interests include the performers as well as some of the less fortunate people down on their luck looking for help and support. Here are some of my favorites.

Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Keep Your Husband Happy - What Husbands Need

I found the following article very interesting (being a guy, that is). We are very simple creatures that can be sustained very easily with some simple but loving and thoughtful recognition. This article may help you in your relationships....

Are you searching for how to keep your husband happy? If you don't know what husbands need, it can be very complicated trying to figure out why your marriage is unhappy and how to get it back on track. Once you better understand men and their wants and needs, marriage gets a lot easier and more rewarding....read more.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Note to the Guys

I know this is nothing new but just a reminder. If your wife or girlfriend likes to shop, surprise her someday by taking her out for a special trip. Knowing how much guys hate to shop and it is usually her idea to take a "mental health" shopping day, you will be loved for this little surprise.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Does Your Husband Like to Shop With You?

Ladies, what have you experienced with your husband or significant others when it comes to shopping? Does he go with you? Does he complain? Does he sit in the car waiting for you (patiently or impatiently)? Does he deserve to be recognized with a special pin that you can surprise him with?

Sherpa on Duty Pin in Production

As you may see on the left side of this page, there is a happy-faced cartoon logo sporting a backpack. This is the primary design of our Sherpa on Duty lapel pin that will soon be available for purchase. A figment of my imagination whereas one day I mentioned to my beloved wife that men are "sherpas" as they trail their wives and significant others during shopping sprees. Please revisit once the pin is available and consider rewarding your loved on with a special pin recognizing his or her support of your shopping endeavors.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Must Read Article!

'Men Buy, Women Shop': The Sexes Have Different Priorities
When Walking Down the Aisles

When it comes to shopping, women are from Nordstrom's and men are from Sears.

Women are happy to meander through sprawling clothing and accessory collections or detour through the shoe department. They like to glide up glass escalators past a grand piano, or spray a perfume sample on themselves on their way to, maybe, making a purchase. For men, shopping is a mission. They are out to buy a targeted item and flee the store as quickly as possible, according to new Wharton research....read more...

Men Shopping!

My wife claims that I tricked her after we got married. I know we put our best foot forward during our courting phase...and to be with my wife at that time meant I would travel along side her during her shopping sprees! Now, after 17 years of marriage, she realizes shopping is not my most favorite activity. However, I do go shopping with her -- usually I will look for a comfortable chair in the store or the mall. I am a typical male, I guess. My two favorite places to shop are Kohl's and J. Crew. Kohl's is perfect for a guy! I like the fact that no one is waiting on you and that I have time to decide what to buy and leave quickly. J. Crew, however, is my favorite place for my clothes. J. Crew is also my wife's favorite place. So, I can be a good Sherpa on Duty when we visit our favorite store. By the way, this is not a picture of me!

Back to Reality!

We have only been home for a couple of days and we still are missing Kauai. This was my first trip to Hawaii. I really did not know what to expect but now I am a believer in a comfortable and peaceful lifestyle which is the signature of Kauai. Peaceful, calm, relaxing all surrounded by lush plants and color. I have some great recommendations for restaurants and shopping

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Forget the Luau

What a shock we had this morning when we went to pick up our voucher for a luau we planned to attend. We forgot one thing when we spoke to the guy who arranges activities. We forgot to ask for the cost. The voucher indicated $99.00 per person! A shock indeed! We would never have booked it if we first had asked the price. More importantly, I felt the resort had a duty to inform us of the cost. I can see why they didn't. Even though we missed the 24 hour cancellation requirement, I insisted that we were not told of the cost before hand. We got a call back after about an hour with the good news that they accepted our cancellation! Moral of the story is obvious! ASK FIRST! More money for another Sherpa on Duty excursion for the good wife!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A New Experience!

Well, here we are in Hawaii which is a new experience for me thanks to my lovely wife Sally who convinced me we needed a well-deserved vacation. We are vacationing in Kauai on the south shore in Poipou. I woke up early this morning and watched the light change from morning grey with the sun soon to rise. As I walked out onto the balcony I could see the ocean in the distance. Sherpa on Duty will now be able to support some very new experiences! More to come.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Under Construction

Thank you for finding my Sherpa On Duty Blog. We are currently designing a terrific lapel pin that makes a great gift for that wonderful "sherpa" in your life. Stay tuned for more information. Thanks for visiting.