What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wow! She bought HER dress at CVS Pharmacy!

I love these stories.  To protect the name of the innocent, let me call her "Shirley".  She is my wife's best friend and as I am typing this post they are both in the backyard enjoying a chat along with some special beverages!  My wife commented on how great "Shirley" looked in her dress and she then told us where she bought her dress!  This is amazing (see earlier post regarding another person who purchased their dress at Walmart!).  Why is this such a big deal to me?  I do not know anyone who shops like this and yet can look great in what they wear.  I was going to take photo of "Shirley" but decided not to as she wanted "first rights of refusal."  So are there any other  shoppers out there with some unique stories and purchases.  (At a later time I will tell you how much my step-daughter enjoys shopping at the thrift stores!).  Another first for "Sherpa on Duty".

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