What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sandpaper is Cheaper!

I know this sounds awful.  Today, I went along with my wife as she went to her hair appointment as we were going to be shopping later on getting ready for a birthday party for one of our young family members.  As we arrived to the salon, she immediately went over to one of the counters and found a bottle of callous removal lotion.  "Gee, this looks good" she exclaimed.  Upon turning the bottle over she saw the price tag.  "$32.00" she announced.  Without missing a beat, I said "sandpaper is cheaper!"  I know that is an awful response!  I love shopping with my wife as she gives me great material for this blog.  I hope you are enjoying our little trips and episodes.  I guess I am just a regular guy!  Onward and upward with Sherpa on Duty.

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