What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Men Shopping!

My wife claims that I tricked her after we got married. I know we put our best foot forward during our courting phase...and to be with my wife at that time meant I would travel along side her during her shopping sprees! Now, after 17 years of marriage, she realizes shopping is not my most favorite activity. However, I do go shopping with her -- usually I will look for a comfortable chair in the store or the mall. I am a typical male, I guess. My two favorite places to shop are Kohl's and J. Crew. Kohl's is perfect for a guy! I like the fact that no one is waiting on you and that I have time to decide what to buy and leave quickly. J. Crew, however, is my favorite place for my clothes. J. Crew is also my wife's favorite place. So, I can be a good Sherpa on Duty when we visit our favorite store. By the way, this is not a picture of me!

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