What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

"She Bought Her Dress at Walmart!"

Yes, that was a major topic of conversation last evening at the class reunion. My wife's friend, Nancy, announced with great pride, that her dress; which by the way looked very good on her; was a Walmart purchase -- cost? $15.00. Now, why is that such a bid deal? We all know what the important women in our lives go have to go through when planning to see old friends after a 30+ years hiatus from high school. Deciding what to wear is a big deal! How many different outfits are tried on? How much money is really spent on looking good? How long did it take for you to find that special dress? Who would have known that Walmart would have been the hit of the evening! Great dress for a great price!

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