What IS a Sherpa?

For all of you shoppers out there that have a "significant other" that supports your shopping by carrying your bags, opening your doors and waiting patiently for you as you browse the sale racks! Reward this person with a "Sherpa on Duty" pin that he or she will wear proudly on your next shopping venture.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Why would anyone want to pay full price for any item? There is always some kind of a sale going on! If not immediately, then eventually!

My wife is a great shopper when it comes to sales. And believe me, she loves to shop! She loves clothes and often comes home with the results of some great shopping due to sales. I love it when she reads me the original price tag and then goes further with the discounts and sales. Recently, a top from Ann Taylor originally sold for $48.00 and she got it for $20.00! Another top was originally $78.00, on sale for $69.00 and she got it for $35.00. Great looking tops and easy on the check book as well!

The only question we really need to ask is how much do we really want to spend? The biggest challenge is waiting for that newly-arrived fashion trend to go on sale. You know it eventually will!

What are your shopping stories on finding great sales?

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